Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well I guess I didn't make the post a day every day in November. That's harder than I thought! Anyway, happy belated Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time down at Jamie and Anjie's and all the cousins. Grammie and Bumpa were there too. The kids are starting to interact and play together which is really fun. I'm looking forward to many more holidays and family gatherings as the kids grow.

I wanted to post a couple things that I read from 2 years ago at dinner when the boys were just one month old. The words are not mine. They were written by Andrea Alban Gosline.

I treasure time with my child. "These are the moments for which we live". - Joyce Carol Oates
Each day I spend mothering is woven with a miraculous sense of immediacy. The emotions I feel are amongst the most intense I've ever felt. I am alive in ways I could not have imagined before giving birth. I savor this pleasure.

Pledge to my Children
I promise to look forward to our life together.
I promise to stay and watch you blossom.
I promise to cherish the sacred place you came from.
I promise to walk beside you on your miraculous path.
I promise to share what I know with love.
I promise to protect you as a parent and a friend.
I promise to value your hopes and dreams.
I promise to bring you great vistas.
I promise to hold you close to my heart.
I promise to celebrate the blessings of this day.

These inspirations made me cry.

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