Monday, November 12, 2007

The Days are Too Short

Cory woke up at 7AM. Miles hustled him downstairs. I quickly fixed him some breakfast and sat next to him while he ate. We started loading up for daycare at 7:40. Quick drive to daycare and a kiss, hug, "I love you" and "bye". = 1 hour

I picked them up at 5PM, hustled home, fed Amber while Miles cooked and the boys played. Ate dinner. Miles took them downstairs so I could finish cleaning up (a little) and then I brought Amber down to hang out with the boys for a few minutes before Amber couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. = 1 hour

After Amber was snuggled in her bed, I went downstairs to gather everyone up for bedtime. A little fussiness and foot dragging, but mostly willing boys upstairs for pajamas, teeth brushing and a story. = 30 minutes

"Snuggle with Mommy" before laying Cory in his crib. = 20 minutes

Less than 3 hours with my precious boy. Something wrong with this picture.

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