Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day?

Just a quick post to share my dissapointment. I'm (we're) trying to fix some things in our marriage. Nothing serious, just need some more time to connect and be a couple. I find it hard to focus on Miles because I enjoy the kids so much. So, a few weeks ago we agreed that for Valentine's day we would do something special for each other. Miles agreed to write me a poem and I agreed to do something to surprise him.

Valentine's day came and went - no poem. I did fulfill my end of the bargain and although I wasn't entirely creative, I think I gave him something he appreciated.

The thing that really bummed me out was that I got no cards from my kids.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I am bummed you did not get your treat on Valentine's. It sounds like the kids and hubby valentines would have really meant something this year. Hang in there.