Monday, November 10, 2008

Yes, We Can!

This one made me cry. I haven't posted much about my views in this election, my site is about my family, but this struck a chord. I am so happy and proud of our country right now. We have made a statement to the world that we are not happy with what is going on.

Also, I am so happy for people like Joanne.


Jannie Funster said...

And with infertility Yes We Can!!

Sorry to barge in on your blog like this but I found you via our mutual "infertility" tags on our Blogger profiles and yesterday on my humble blog I posted a blurb on my fertility / endo probs with a link to a petition my pal Jeanne has sent to Oprah and The View for endo awareness and facts.(signatures still more than welcome!)

no-e-plz said...

made me cry too...thanks for sharing